a photo of me


Hello! I'm Vincent, a student of Communication and Multimedia Design, majoring in Game Design at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen. My motto is "Question everything!".

Read more about me by following the link to the about page.

monochrome representation of vector graphics design exemplified using the VCT logo

Visual Designer

I've always been a visual kind of person, enjoying paintings, movies and other visual art more than other media.

At a young age I aspired to become an artist and developed an unusual fascination with branding, giving myself the "VCT" pseudonym at age 7, which is my personal brand and online identity to this day.

Through my education I have become familiar with the theoretical backgrounds behind brand- and visual design and I'm happy to put the skills I developed creating such designs to good use.

Table of Contents

What Can I Do?

I can create or update your branding, research customers' experience with it and apply it in web design and 2D graphics.

Additionally I can create content for and manage social media appearances.

Relevant Skills


2D Graphics & Prototyping

Figma (vector graphics)
Figma logo
Paint.NET (raster graphics)
Paint.NET logo

Web Development

HTML5 logo
CSS3 logo
stylized letters 'JS'

Collaboration & Communication

Google Suite
Google Drive logo
Discord logo
GitHub logo

Project Management Software

Trello logo
Asana logo

Social Media

Facebook logo
Instagram logo

Knowledge Areas

Visual Design
monochrome representation of vector graphics design exemplified using the VCT logo
Politics / Geography / History
graphic combining a question mark, an artistic map of europe and 12 stars arranged in a circle
pictogram of a computer screen with code on it
Team Management
pictogram of heads consisting of interlocked gears displaying happy faces
Project Management
simplified depiction of a scrum board


Flag of the EU
Flag of Germany
Flag of the Netherlands


In General

I put significant focus on art and design in my education, first attending a specialized arts programme for 4 years in high school and later a design study at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen.

I learnt historical backgrounds of various movements and developments of arts and culture, acquired a general understanding of color theory and knowledge regarding the characteristic elements of several design styles.

Using new user-friendly online tools I created more than half a dozen typefaces, and thereby also learnt many important basics of typography.

Digital Design Portfolio "VNVSVAL"

'VNVSVAL' cover
This design portfolio contains several relevant design elements, a poster, an infographic, a retrospective on the evolution of my personal logo and a human-animal hybrid photo edit, all presented in a consistent surrounding artstyle.

You can have a look at the full, 16 pages portfolio as a pdf file here.

Game Styles

I developed the visual design of many of my game projects.


TAIT's visual design is oriented on typical modern design patterns targeting a broad, inclusive and family friendly audience.

screenshot of Stellar Transporter
Stellar Transporter

Stellar Transporter employs a theme-fitting sci-fi pixel art style. Colorful enough and with enough particle effects to be interesting, yet not too flashy to distract.

Kaiserzeit 1926 logo Kaiserzeit 1926

The artstyle of Kaiserzeit 1926 mixes art deco and steampunk elements with the look of historical documents and heraldic design, with slight notes of 1980s retrofuturism.

You can see it implemented in the game as well as on a little web page I built about it, which you can see here.

screenshot of Coin Conquest
Coin Conquest

Bridging Nintendo-esque design to casino styles with some added "digital" aesthetic makes Coin Conquest's look complete.


In 2021 I made heart-shaped stickers for Volt Belgium.
a heart shaped Volt sticker with QR code being held up
They were used to advertise themselves as friendly towards the LGBTQ+ community during the "pride month" of June.

The QR code on the stickers contained a link to the party's website and the stickers appeared to have been quite popular, as I have seen them in several social media posts and Volt Belgium members let me know.


Since I am quite critical and picky when it comes to typography, I have looked into the basics of font creation, gathering knowledge of typography meanwhile.
characters of the Vindicator font
Since, as a person who is not in the possession of an Apple device, I could not get my hands on Glyphs, which appears to be the go-to software for creating fonts.
I therefore began browsing various freely available software options.

Finding mainly two handy tools, FontForge and FontStruct, I learnt to use those. Since FontStruct, while significantly more limited in its range of features, is extremely beginner-friendly and easy to use, I have made lots of fonts with it.
Some of those are displayed on the side here.

characters of the Narrovind font
Through experimenting with Fonts I have learnt more about vector graphics, which in turn, helped me get a better understanding of fonts again.

For this website I make use of the radical sans-serif font "Maven Pro" which I had become a fan of the minute I saw it, for its excellent readability and very clear design approach.

I am still working on more fonts on the side from time to time, and I want to eventually finish one made entirely using vector graphics, but since that is very time consuming I won't try to predict when I'd be done.


I have written more about my experience in game design, team coordination and programming on respective portfolio pages catering to those roles. Feel free to check them out as well!



Work Experience

Volunteer Work
