a photo of me


Hello! I'm Vincent, a student of Communication and Multimedia Design, majoring in Game Design at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen. My motto is "Question everything!".

Read more about me by following the link to the about page.

pictogram of a computer screen with code on it


Since I was 13 years old I have had a fascination for computer code, starting to write some simple scripts at the time, then learning javascript and doing two internships in IT.
Programming more and more small games and apps is part of what brought me to choose my study and seeing its products still sometimes seems beautifully magical to me.

As it is a passion of mine I want to keep myself involved with professional software / game development in the future, indirectly at the very least :)

Table of Contents

What Can I Do?

I can program apps and games using JavaScript, Python, Unity/C#, and some other software.
I am a quick learner and open to acquiring more programming expertise as well.

I have developed a multitude of small games, some of which (Unity 3D group projects from my study programme) support virtual reality hardware.

During my internship at Fielmann Ventures I developed a MEAN-stack based database solution, I made a simple encryption interface when I was 16 and in 2019 I created a Discord bot for Volt Europa.

Relevant Skills

Programming Languages

Python logo
stylized letters 'JS'
C# wordmark

Game Engines

Unity logo
p5.js logo
GameMaker Studio
GameMaker Studio logo
Phaser logo

Web Development

HTML5 logo
CSS3 logo

2D Graphics & Prototyping

Figma (vector graphics)
Figma logo
Paint.NET (raster graphics)
Paint.NET logo

Project Management Software

Trello logo
Asana logo

Collaboration & Communication

Google Suite
Google Drive logo
Discord logo
GitHub logo


Flag of the EU
Flag of Germany
Flag of the Netherlands


In General

Over many years I have acquired various programming skills which I have made use of in software- and game-development.

Since 2019 I am studying Communication & Multimedia Design with a major in Game Design. During these studies I have done programming work on many projects, some of which I have highlighted below.

GameMaker Studio Games

Using the engine GameMaker Studio's dedicated programming language GML I have done programming work on the games Sail Sale and Coin Conquest.
screenshot of Sail Salescreenshot of Coin Conquest

VR Simulation

With VRquaponics I have taken my first step into developing for virtual reality.
screenshot of VRquaponics
I also learnt a lot of the basics of the Unity 3D editor and C# working on it. Together with my teammate Sten-Erik I created all the interactive features of this aquaponic farming simulation, such as the item dispensers and growth simulation.

Phaser Game

I made Stellar Transporter, a 2D space cargo trading game, using the HTML JavaScript game framework Phaser.
screenshot of Stellar Transporter
In programming the game I learnt to use the Phaser framework and advanced my JavaScript knowledge.

I also made use of the integrated physics engine to enhance the game's believable feeling of space and objects within it.

Unity Game

In the development of Supermarine Air Support, where I did the programming work together with my teammate Aruzhan, I was able to build upon the knowledge I acquired working on VRquaponics.
screenshot of Supermarine Air Support
The game makes use of a dedicated level generator implementing coroutines and a dynamic system for destructible environments.

In it, the protagonist runs and jumps through levels automatically, and the player-controlled vehicle must throw bombs at it in order to clear the way for the protagonist.

When coding the automated movement script for the protagonist, Aruzhan taught me how to use Raycasts in the Unity engine, which I have made use of in every one of my Unity projects since.

Therapeutic VR Game

With VRgora we made a VR prototype of a serious game concept we developed to help agoraphobic people and those close to them deal with the condition.
screenshot of VRgora
People with specific types of agoraphobia, which are (or are similar to) the one, where they are afraid of crowded or large, open places shall learn motivational strategies through the game, by "coaching" the game's protagonist to get through their struggles with the condition.

The game makes use of various variable scales, and dynamic mesh alterations.


I have written more about my experience in game design, team coordination and visual design on respective portfolio pages catering to those roles. Feel free to check them out as well!



Work Experience

Volunteer Work
